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What Are The Effects Of Mixing Cannabis And Alcohol?
For years now, alcohol has been one of the most popular “drugs” amongst people of all ages, nowadays, a big part of alcohol users have migrated to cannabis use but there are still those ...
4 years ago
What Happens When You Stop Consuming Marijuana?
More than 250 million people around the world consume cannabis and that number is increasing now that cannabis is becoming legal or decriminalized in several countries around the world. Now, this ...
4 years ago
10 Famous Cannabis Companies Supported By Celebrities
As cannabis becomes more and more popular all over the world, cannabis-friendly celebrities known for consuming or advocating have started investing in this new industry; This will not only help ...
4 years ago
Jobs in Cannabis: From Bud Tender to Master Grower
The “green revolution” has been growing quite fast thanks to the legalization of cannabis in many parts of the world. Despite still being illegal in most places, cannabis jobs have become ...
4 years ago
Brewing Cannabis With Hacked Beer Yeast
The use of marijuana is on a rise on a worldwide level, there's no denying that. As more and more countries start to accept and legalize the use of this sacred plant, for either only medical or ...
4 years ago
New Digital NFT Platform Expands Cannabis Art
When it comes to art, nowadays we're far more evolved than back then in the old days. According to scientists and historians, it all began more than 65 thousand years ago, when the first artist ...
4 years ago
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) Explained
What happens when the treatment to your condition becomes the condition itself? Recent studies have found that the severe long-term use of marijuana could be leading to a disorder known as ...
4 years ago
Celebrating 420: The History Behind April 20
For a long time 420 has been related to cannabis, everybody knows 4:20 is the time to smoke up. Today is April 20 (aka 4/20 day) and on this date, we all celebrate our love for this plant. But not ...
4 years ago
Do's and Don'ts of Setting The Water For Your Bong
When it comes to smoking weed, there are different stages of becoming a stoner. In the beginning, most of us were probably quite naive, asking for a shaman stoner friend, who we trusted knew what ...
4 years ago
Spice Up Your Love Life With CBD Lube
During the past decade, ever since the world started changing its point of view on marijuana, it seems as if all we can hear about is the benefits that using the different products that the plant ...
4 years ago
The 'Are You Ready to Start Growing Weed At Home' Checklist
There always comes a time in the stoner's life when one major idea comes into question: "should I grow my own marijuana plants at home?" And it's as soon as you get bit by this mosquito that all you ...
4 years ago
Spliff Meaning – What Is a Spliff?
Spliffs are maybe not the most popular form of consuming cannabis (that distinction goes to joints), but many smokers, especially in Europe, use this type of rolled marijuana cigarette all the time. ...
4 years ago
Truth or Myth: Does Coughing Get You Higher?
No matter what subject we talk about, as soon as we start to dig in deeper, we find that there are always a couple of urban myths surrounding it. For instance, when it comes to sailing, you're never ...
4 years ago
10 Best Activities To Do While You're Stoned
When it comes to being stoned, the type of high you get can depend on several aspects. For instance, the strains you consume will definitely impact how high you get, and which effects you'll ...
4 years ago
What Does Getting High Feel Like?
When it comes to trying new things, there are different types of people, those who give no cares and dive straight into it without fearing the results, and those who need to take some moments of ...
4 years ago
What Happens To Your Body When You Smoke Weed Every Day?
Marijuana is a plant that, as we all know, can be used for either medical or recreational purposes, or both. And while this magic plant may produce a certain pattern of effects, the use of cannabis ...
4 years ago
5 Tips To Keep In Mind Before Smoking Weed For The First Time
We know sometimes it can be scary to try new things, the unknown of what's to come can make us feel uneasy. For example, so is the case with first tattoos or piercings, we have no idea of what we're ...
4 years ago
How To Roll a Cross Joint Like a Pro
Among all groups of people, certain rules of respect are always applied, and these tend to vary depending on the type of group. For example, among a group of skaters, the one who does the cleanest ...
4 years ago
7 Items That Your Stoner Grocery List Can't Miss
When you start to get your way around weed and finally get to the point of recognizing yourself as a true stoner, most likely it is because you have already earned your black belt in terms of stoner ...
4 years ago
Benefits Of Using Cannabis To Treat Epilepsy
As you may or may not have already heard, marijuana is an extremely promising substance in the medical field. As a matter of fact, it is most likely due to this point that over time cannabis ...
4 years ago
What Are CBD's Side Effects?
When we talk about weed, it's only a matter of seconds until the terms THC and CBD come up. Normally, people who engage in the frequent use of marijuana seek strains that are rich in either of these ...
4 years ago
5 Funny Paranoias Every Pothead Has Had
When it comes to weed, we are all aware of some of its common effects. Some people burst into laughter or get bloodshot eyes, others get strong munchies, a.k.a. the hunger of 10 gorillas, while ...
4 years ago
Top Music Albums To Listen To When You're High
There are some things that are meant to be together, like rum and coke, ice cream and a sunny day, or wine and cheese. This is also the case for marijuana, there are some things that seem to be ...
4 years ago