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Reviewed 17 July 2022
definitely in my personal top 5
I loved everything about this autoflower from the way she grew to the way she smelled to the effects which were potent but it’s noteven the best thing about them because I’ve grown many potent strains before. But this one makes me feel like this is it, this is how I wanna be all the time and never get bored.
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Reviewed 16 July 2022
she was a pleasure to grow
part of the reason was probably my new LED but Gorilla Glue was also a super strong genetic, maybe a bit touchy with nutrients but vigorous and high-yielding.
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Reviewed 16 July 2022
Trainwreck Auto Tester
Medium size buds that were very dense and colorful with a sweet aroma. High potency and powerful smoke. Nice internodal spacing grew a little taller than the others.
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Reviewed 16 July 2022
a very mold-resistant plant
I set up my grow tent in the garage and it was rather cold most of the time. I was half a mind to run my light 24/0 because of the cold but ended up with 18/6. the day temperature was mostly in the lower 70s with a sharp drop at lights off. I even had to install a heater. RH was constantly above 50%. I was checking the buds for the signs of mold since mid flower but saw none. I’m so glad I picked Gorilla Glue. I’ll stick to it because it’s a great smoke and I’m afraid to experiment with other strains in my less than perfect setup.
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Reviewed 16 July 2022
She grows fast and vigorously from the start
But man what a leafy plant. I spent hours trimming her.
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Reviewed 15 July 2022
This is Fantastic breed for love Indica and effect of it . Grow outdoor I recomend it becouse it has very lovely smells like frutyy sweet flavors,for smoke its like Going in dream with Rinos
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Reviewed 15 July 2022
Gorilla Cookies
Sweet Orange taste.
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Reviewed 14 July 2022
Afghan Kush smells amazing
This Afghan Kush ist super fast and smells like Mango, Pine and Stinks
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Reviewed 14 July 2022
after a t-break it’s devastating
my previous grow was a disaster so my stash ran dry a whole month before I harvested my strawberry pies. tbh I was smoking fan leaves that I got from defoliation and they were kinda disappointing but the first bud I smoked was fire and I just dried it in the oven, no normal drying or curing nothing like that. I was standing in the kitchen smoking and blowing the smoke into the range went and the next think I know I’m lying on the floor with no idea how I got there. it was hilarious!
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cannapassion on GD
Reviewed 12 July 2022
A magnificent variety full of resin which gives a very good harvest, after ready for 3 weeks of ripening it has become magnificent, a smell of overripe fruit bordering on liquor , a sweet fruity aroma consistent with the smell, very very good strain grown organically, thank you very much for this variety ????
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Reviewed 11 July 2022
gives me a headache
while the stone lasts the headache feels just a bit uncomfortable but in the morning I regularly experience something like minor hangover. and in case your wondering I did a proper flush so its not that.
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Reviewed 11 July 2022
I harvested over 2 ounces of golf size dense nuggets
The bag appeal is 10/10. I made sure to trim the buds to perfection and they’re definitely the prettiest buds I’ve ever grown. They have the flavor and the effect to match. Just perfect.
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Reviewed 11 July 2022
I’ve had every issue in the book and my Afghani is a joint size plant now
The good thing is I don’t need to rely on her for smoke because I have many better plants in my grow tent. I’m very dissappointed.
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Reviewed 9 July 2022
Love these long frosty colas!
They have the best flower to leaf ratio I’ve seen in a while and every little leaf is completely covered in trichomes the same as buds. I’ve let them mature for an extra week to get a more sedating effect and still harvested them in less than 11 weeks from seed.
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Reviewed 9 July 2022
I think I pass on classics for a while
I was interested what was the weed like that the previous generations of smokers were so crazy about. Of course, it’s silly to judge based on just one plant but anyway my Northern Light was nowhere near as good as more current genetics, just okay (if you are polite) but nothing to write home about.
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Reviewed 9 July 2022
I think there’s been a mix up
This doesn’t look like dominant Indica to me. She has to narrow and light-green leaves. The plant is not bad and she reacted well to the transplant and the heat wave but she’s not what I expected.
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Reviewed 9 July 2022
there were issues throughout the grow but she turned out fine in the end
I’m glad i didnt pull her although i was about to on several occasion. it was only in the third or fourth week of flowering that I finally stopped worrying. Looking back I wouldn’t want to grow her again but the smoke is fine.
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Reviewed 8 July 2022
a rather boring effect
I guess it would be ok for a newbie but me Im spoiled with so many great strains I grew and this one doesn’t make the cut. I try to share it as much as I can because I harvested more than 3 ounces from one plant but frankly none of my friends are crazy about NL either.
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Reviewed 8 July 2022
Gassy and sour smell, I love it
It’s amazing and intoxicating and the taste is just the same plus a wonderful sweet background. Of course I’ve tried all my devices and my old volcano vaporizer wins hands down. I start with the lowest temperature settings just to enjoy the taste, then move up and amazingly the taste endures halfway through the dial.
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Reviewed 7 July 2022
I couldn't be more pleased with the Gorilla Z, and the everyone smoking with me agrees. It is very much my favorite of the whole round. HUGE buds, not the frostiest but by far the stickiest and gassiest. Smells a lot like fruit dipped in a can of gasoline (For real).
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Reviewed 7 July 2022
2nd favorite
very very very very tasty. Pure fruit. Everyone (myself included) was shocked, and that made me feel wonderful. 4/5 based on flavor flavor flavor and beauty. Amazing looking beautifully tasty buds.
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Reviewed 7 July 2022
short compact plants, an ok harvest
she wasn’t the strongest plant in my garden. I guess she’d be perfect for very small grow tents and she yielded quite well for such a small lady
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Reviewed 6 July 2022
cold temp + high RH = disaster
lost most of the buds to mold. I salvaged what I could by making cannabutter but decided it wasn’t worth the risk trying to smoke anything. so I can’t even comment on aroma and taste. the high from edibles is very strong and mellow at the same time but too lazy for me, that’s why I prefer smoking
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Reviewed 6 July 2022
I hate foxtaling buds and this is what I got
And it wasn’t even that hot really, mostly cloudy and wet and with rather cool nights. Nevertheless, the colas started to foxtail like crazy. Thank God I decided to trim them wet! Imagine what it would be like to try and trim them dry.
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Reviewed 6 July 2022
Idk what I expected probably some light acid trip but it was just plain stupid garden variety indica and I hate indicas
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Reviewed 6 July 2022
it was a jinxed grow from start to finish
for starters I must have bumped into my cupboard or something because the saucer under which the seed was germinating slid and exposed the paper towels and they dried out. then I dropped the solo cup with the seedling while transplanting and the better part of the root ball tore off. then the seedling just stopped growing until she started to bud and grew only a little after that. i believe she’d be three times bigger if i just left her in the damn solo cup. Anyway, the outcome was ridiculous. I have half a mind to try a photoperiod strain for my second attempt but probably will give this or some other auto another go.
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Reviewed 5 July 2022
Something went terribly wrong with this grow
I don’t know if it was shitty genetics, the heat wave or my total inexperience with autos but the plant was pathetically small. At first I swore not to grow autos again but then I decided that failure was not an option. I have more GSC seeds and will try do better this time.
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Reviewed 5 July 2022
I hated the smell and taste
The high was tolerable but not enough for me to keep this stuff. I wish I had someone to give it as a gift but I keep my hobby a secrete, so the whole harvest was flushed down the toilet.
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Reviewed 5 July 2022
Irregular shaped foxtailing buds
These weren’t the most beautiful buds I’ve seen and I spent quite a few hours in trim jail today. It was exhausting. I only hope the high would be worth it.
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Commented 11 November 2023
I didn't mean to hit report. The phenotype i got were very sativa, Lose bud structure narrow leaves predominantly 3 segments, mild verigation . limbs on mine were thin and weak. BUT! This is a terp monster, smells FANTASTIC! TASTE SWEET and IT IS SUPER GLUE.....SO SO STICKY. Remember FF is making these recessive genes dominate. It is still a bit of luck of the draw. My BPP was super purple some peoplehad zero purple. This (bubblegum) supposed to be indica dom.. and we must accept what we get. But EVERYTHING THESE FOLKS HAVE IS AWESOME!
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Commented 16 November 2023
Yup me too. Its a rarity everything else has been awesome. Yours sounds like My bubblegum and its sativa heritage reared its fluffy head..s. but its goooooood
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Reviewed 5 July 2022
lost 2 out of 2
It was a hot start of the season and I was too busy to visit my guerilla patch to water so I lost both LSDs and a Russian Auto. The rest survived but barely and I don’t know what the weather has in store. Definitely need stronger genetics than this for guerilla growing.
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Reviewed 5 July 2022
I like the way the effect hits your mind and body at the same time
with hybrids its usually first one then the other but here you get the best of both worlds simultaneously. a very good strain I just wished I harvested more
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Reviewed 4 July 2022
Pineapple ready
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Reviewed 4 July 2022
Huge Northern lights 438g
This big beauty was ready in 11 weeks Really happy with the results I recommend you to try it guy’s and didn’t have any deficiency problem’s the only problem i had was that the grow tent wasn’t big enough for this monster of a plant ???????? 438g on the scale thanks to fastbuds keep on rockinn you have the best genetics and many flavors to choose from ????????❤️ Hope you like the photos sorry I’ve they are a little bit blurry .. there’s a photo showing that the plant wet and trimmed for the first time was 2.6kg then we trimmed again for the second time and but in And put in jars for another week and we had the amount of 438g ☘️❤️
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Commented 9 July 2023
Dude sweeeeet looking forward
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Commented 21 March 2024
this looks stunning, i cant believe what im seeing. these colas are HUGE.
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Commented 7 April 2024
Great grow, Man!
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Commented 8 September 2024
Got high just by looking at that beautiful beast.
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Commented 16 January
That was a beast!!! Congratulations
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Reviewed 4 July 2022
still at the seedling stage, a very slow growth
It took me three days to remove the helmet. in this time the seedling has stretched so much it keeps toppling over.
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Reviewed 4 July 2022
she was sick and small for the first three weeks and then she started to flower
I’m gathering my resolve to pull her because it’s already obvious that the outcome would be ridiculous.
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Reviewed 3 July 2022
Fat buds, sweet smell
This Strain is so nice. The buds are so frosty, the smell i so sweert and good. Cant wait to smoke it.
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Reviewed 2 July 2022
A very nice pungent smell of skunk and sour lemon
And the taste is exactly the same as the smell with a delicious earthy aftertaste. I love it so much that I’m using my Volcano vaporizer again although it’s cumbersome and the high is more clear-headed and somehow “sober” compared to the bong.
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Reviewed 2 July 2022
the strongest tasting strain out of 3 in my garden
and not just strong but very delicious. it has just this powerful stench of pine and diesel which I love. makes me super relaxed and sleepy. it’s indica at its finest!
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Reviewed 2 July 2022
Beauty & the Beast
Another Outstanding strain by can't immagine 3 things. 1 Her power (grow in 35c° heat condition & very low humidity. Almost going on 35 to 45 in during flowing stage.) 2 Her Smell (tropical fruty mix with some lemon agrumi. Entire room filled up easily if you don't get carbon filter.) 3 Her High & Taste (absolutely mind blowing I can't explain it. Very clear creamy fruity note get, if you vape.) Harvest by day 91.guys you want to try this one & never disappointing. Thank you fatsbuds to made this magnificent sativa strain.keep up guys,best breeder in Europe.
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Reviewed 2 July 2022
nothing to like except potency
the stone is very boring for me and the taste is bland. af riend of mine said he saw cracks appearing in the walls and ceiling after 4 or 5 hits of this and some other hallucinations that I don’t remember, but there was nothing like this for me. it just got me stoned out of my mind and stupid.
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Reviewed 2 July 2022
I’ll never grow it again
I had a terrible experience when I first smoked this one. Never in my life did I experience so much self loathing. Definitely a strain FOR depression, not against depression. I now only add a tiny pinch to other strains for potency but never smoke NL straight.
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Reviewed 2 July 2022
Sweet and Creamy
Super strong, and sweet. 18g of 5 liter. Super easy and strong plant. Super frosty and nice colour. Strawberry Milk flavour and a nice chill and snack's strain. Love It.
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Reviewed 1 July 2022
Gorilla Cookies Auto harvest in 70 days
I grew one Gorilla Cookies in a 40x40x120cm grow tent with a 150w led. I started the Gorilla Cookies in a 5 liter pot, after 25 days I transplanted her in to a 10 liter pot. I used a light mix soil with a organic powder feed. I also gave her kelp enhaver and humic acid. She handeld the transplant with ez. In the midle of the flower stage she was fed 4x with a syntetic pk booster. She had a little tip burn but this shows she had max nutrient. At week 9 and 10 I only gave her fresh water. I havested her at day 70, she had yellow and purple leaves and smelled super sweet and creamy. Or vanilla. After drying she smelled very gasy, piney and sweet. The bud to leaf ratio is amazing and she is super potend, with so much trichomes that the buds looked white ond frosty. Her high is definetiv a hybrid head start and a body couch lock finisher. Super easy and a great choice for beginner.
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Reviewed 1 July 2022
All I can say is wow, I grew this beauty outdoors on nothing but water and sunlight in organic living soil with some low stress training in the early 2-3 weeks The end product was big fluffy dark purple buds from one and green and purple from the other. The effects are very strong so I’d suggest not smoking this strain if you have anything to do for the next 12 hours. The biggest benefit I got from this strain was the sleep. 2-3 bowls a few hours before bed and I’d be out like a light, getting 10+ hours sleep every night and waking up in weird positions on the couch after passing out. What a beauty she is. Only downside is i think the more light you can give her the better so it would preferably be better grown indoors. Nonetheless an amazing strain.
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Reviewed 1 July 2022
she wilted and died for no apparent reason
one day she was a nice happy seedling, then she just drooped and nothing that I did helped. it was as if she just lost all her roots overnight, weird
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Reviewed 1 July 2022
the plant needed constant attention but yielded well
She had an overwhelming number of leaves and I had to defoliate her all the time. I think I kept stressing her with that but in the end I harvested just shy of two ounces and the smoke is potent and tasty. I can’t complain.
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Reviewed 30 June 2022
Love this strain!
Grew this a little while back but damn! Does it live up to its name. Just take a look at the buds I got from this strain.. it was a “fan” favourite! Can’t wait to do another run with this one!
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Reviewed 30 June 2022
great grapefruit smell
I can’t get enough of this beautiful grapefruit smell on my fingers after I’ve handled the buds. The taste is rather harsh so far and the smoke makes me restless and anxious. I hope this cures out.
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Reviewed 30 June 2022
almost 2 weeks flowering but no signs of trichs yet
and no smell either. what am I doing wrong?
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Reviewed 30 June 2022
a very functional high
mental and physical relaxation with just a touch of euphoria, not spectacular but quite enjoyable when you have work to do but need to be medicated
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