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Strain guide
What Are CBD's Side Effects?
When we talk about weed, it's only a matter of seconds until the terms THC and CBD come up. Normally, people who engage in the frequent use of marijuana seek strains that are rich in either of these ...
4 years ago
5 Funny Paranoias Every Pothead Has Had
When it comes to weed, we are all aware of some of its common effects. Some people burst into laughter or get bloodshot eyes, others get strong munchies, a.k.a. the hunger of 10 gorillas, while ...
4 years ago
Top Music Albums To Listen To When You're High
There are some things that are meant to be together, like rum and coke, ice cream and a sunny day, or wine and cheese. This is also the case for marijuana, there are some things that seem to be ...
4 years ago
Why Do We Perceive Slower Time When Stoned?
We've all been there, we've smoked one and suddenly time seemed to run slower. While, yes, time is an artificial construct created by humans to structure our lives, which means there is no real time ...
4 years ago
How To Open Up to Your Parents or Relatives About Marijuana
When it comes to marijuana, as the stoners we are, we can clearly see that the pros outweigh the cons that are involved in its consumption. In fact, in our eyes, the pros are so many that we need ...
4 years ago
Everything You Should Know About Marijuana's Effects on Sex
You might have noticed, but when we become true stoners, suddenly the world is new again. What do we mean by this? Well, everything that we used to normally do sober, has now become an opportunity of ...
4 years ago
Tolerance Break From Cannabis: Everything You Need To Know
The effects we get from marijuana can vary a lot every time we consume it. For instance, one day you smoke a joint and you end up completely stoned up to the point of canceling whatever's left of the ...
4 years ago
Valentine's Day Ideas for Stoner Couples
That time of the year where cities get dressed in red and pink hearts everywhere is getting near, yes, we're talking about Valentine's Day, and guess who's single, again. Anyway, as we know, every ...
4 years ago
How Does Cannabis Boost Creativity?
Ever since we can remember, cannabis and arts have been linked together, it seems almost as if these two were the peanut butter and jelly to our sandwich. And while getting everyone to agree on ...
4 years ago
3 Ways To Clean Your Pipe
When it comes to the ways of consuming marijuana, the options are uncountable, from the traditional joint, blunt or spliff; the ultra stoner bong or pipe; the high-of-your-life edibles; or even as ...
4 years ago
What does Cali-Sober mean?
As marijuana gets comfortable in our contemporary lifestyle, getting more and more consent on its legal use around the world as years go by, the substance is no longer the taboo it used to ...
4 years ago
5 Best Museums in the World to Visit Stoned
When it comes to good matches, there are some couples that simply out rule all the rest. For example peanut butter and jelly, coffee and milk, or movies and popcorn, or pizza and beer. But if ...
4 years ago
What is Bhang and How To Make It
When it comes to marijuana and its ways of consumption, there are uncountable forms in which a person can choose to administerer this plant, whether it is by smoking in a joint or a bong, eating it, ...
4 years ago
How Marijuana Influences Your Dreams
Marijuana has been used as a sleeping aid for centuries and centuries now, the effects of the plant as an effective sedative and sleep inducer are undeniable. Even dating far back to Ancient China ...
4 years ago
How To Clean Your Bong
Sometimes we bump into stoners that are truly passionate about the art of getting stoned. We refer to those kinds of people who are into all of the details related to their smoking experience. For ...
4 years ago
The Cannabinoids Handbook: Everything You Need To Know
When we're new to the world of marijuana, there can be quite a couple of new things we must learn. For example, being able to identify the characteristics between each strain, what is the difference ...
4 years ago
Coffeeshop vs Dispensary: What Is The Difference?
When you live in a place where cannabis isn't exactly sold legally for recreational uses yet, sad, then the chances are that your eyes spark up at the hearing of places such as Amsterdam or ...
4 years ago
How to Deal With Anxiety Caused By Marijuana
Anxiety is a normal emotion and every person has felt it at least a couple of times in their lives, it's just as normal as feeling sad or happy or nervous, and so on. But just like with almost ...
4 years ago
Why Does Smoking Cannabis Make Me Hungry?
Ohhh so you've smoked a joint and flash forward you're sitting in the kitchen, you've displayed all of your cooking gear out because you were craving this very specific thing, and then this other ...
4 years ago
Cannabis Giggles: Why Does Weed Make Us Laugh?
Have you ever come across someone who has never consumed marijuana, who curiously asked you what exactly you feel when you are high? If you have, you may have noticed how incredibly difficult it can ...
4 years ago
Joint vs Blunt vs Spliff: All Differences Explained
To this day, smoking remains the most popular way of consuming marijuana, and one of the most convenient ways of smoking is cigarettes. In this article, we’ll look at the difference between ...
4 years ago
Best Stoner Gifts for Cannabis Growers 2020
While some of the magic of the holidays can get lost when we look at all of the marketing and promotions going on around us, we should never let anyone or anything take away the true magic of showing ...
4 years ago
Why More Runners Are Turning To Cannabis
The world of cannabis and its uses is one that, just like our real world, keeps constantly expanding. However, whenever we approach the sports field, some people may automatically react with a ...
4 years ago