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Strain guide
Understanding Terpenes: What is Caryophyllene?
The cannabis family is an extensive one, integrated by several different components that make up the bone structure of each strain, or furthermore, each plant. Starting with the two most ...
4 years ago
Bad Trip From Cannabis: Is It Possible And What To Do?
We've all been there once, or we know a friend or a friend of a friend who has been: having a bad trip after smoking weed or eating too many cannabis edibles. When we look back and think about ...
4 years ago
Understanding Terpenes: What is Linalool?
When we smoke, vape or eat cannabis we're indulging many components found in cannabis plants and buds. Among these components, we can find the popularly known THC and CBD, the famous cannabinoids ...
4 years ago
10 Biggest Icons In Cannabis Culture History
Imagine if cannabis history lessons were taught at school or at university. The cannabis culture isn't really new, in fact, it is one of the most ancient traditions and cultures that has prevailed ...
4 years ago
Understanding Terpenes: What is Terpinolene?
If you're reading this, the odds are you are one of those stoners who taste cannabis as if you were in a wine tasting, of course perhaps you're just randomly wandering around the blog, those who ...
4 years ago
The Sportive Stoner Lifestyle 101
Sometimes in this life, it's hard to escape the stereotypes, if you like rock music then you must be a punk, enjoy reading a good book and someone might come and call you a nerd, that's just the way ...
4 years ago
Understanding Terpenes: What is Myrcene?
If you're keen on tasting different cannabis flavors and scents then what you're actually into is a component in marijuana plants, and every other plant in nature called terpene. These terpene ...
4 years ago
Understanding Terpenes: What is Limonene?
Have you ever noticed citrus, fruity flavors as you inhaled some of your favorite marijuana strains? We've all heard of strains names such as Purple Lemonade or Orange Sherbet which, as the name ...
4 years ago
Does Cannabis Boost Sports Performance?
Some athletes might rather avoid consuming cannabis due to the belief that it might affect their sports performance. It's understandable wanting to prevent any external factors to produce adverse ...
4 years ago
Best Movies To Watch While You're Stoned
Chilling at home and watching a movie is a sure fun way to pass time. And chilling at home, plus getting stoned, and watching a movie is for sure among every stoner's favorite activities. However, ...
4 years ago
What Is CBN?
In the world of cannabis, the two most famous cannabinoid compounds are THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, and CBD, or cannabidiol. However, there is so much more in this world of marijuana than ...
4 years ago
Can Weed Go Bad Or Expire?
Have you ever heard a friend or someone say that they were storing a small bud since who knows for how long? This person claiming that the day when they finally smoke it, this bud will knock them ...
4 years ago
Synthetic Cannabinoids: Uses and Dangers
Synthetic cannabinoids are mind-altering chemicals that are sprayed on plant material, but unlike cannabis, they're not safe and are much more powerful. Even though they’re called cannabinoids ...
4 years ago
Can You Overcome Drug Addiction Using Cannabis?
Overcoming a drug addiction, or any addiction for what matters is an extremely tough job that requires lots of patience and willpower. So if you're dealing with an addiction you're trying to ...
4 years ago
Canna Travel: Stoner-Friendly Countries
The global pandemic has got us all fantasizing and dreaming about when we'll be able to go on our next vacation and where on earth that will be. And now that we’ve got enough time, quarantine ...
4 years ago
Hemp Uses and Benefits
Have you ever heard anyone mention the term 'hemp' when they were talking about marijuana? Probably the answer is yes. And while some might think that hemp is just another cool-sounding way of ...
4 years ago
DIY Cannabis Bath Salts Guide
Over the past few decades, the word marijuana has finally ceased to be a taboo, with more countries legalizing both its medical and recreational consumption. Ever since these changes started taking ...
4 years ago
7 Ways of Getting Rid Of Weed Smell
There always comes a time in our lives where we allow ourselves to smoke in the forbidden place, because chances only pass once and we can't miss that train. So you've hotboxed that place you ...
4 years ago
Fun Things to Do When You're High in Quarantine
Covid-19 was a fresh slap on our faces. No one saw a huge global pandemic coming and BAM, we were all being forced by government measures to lock ourselves down at home in a desperate attempt to ...
4 years ago
DIY Halloween Pumpkin Bong
We are getting close to the spookiest night of the year, the night where the world gets covered in artificial spiderwebs, skeletons, and the most important, pumpkins! Yes, we are talking about ...
4 years ago
Difference in Cannabis Effects on Men vs Women
The effects of marijuana tend to follow some patterns. However, some users might perceive slightly different affections than others. This makes sense given that not everyone on this planet is the ...
4 years ago
The Complete Guide To Cannabis Tinctures
As you might already know, smoking cannabis in a joint, a pipe, or a bong isn't the only method of consumption available. In fact, quite the opposite, there are so many ways to use cannabis we would ...
4 years ago
Rolling A Perfect Joint: Step-by-Step Guide
The most iconic and at the same time simple way of consuming cannabis is smoking a joint. Every stoner knows how to roll a joint the same way every skater knows how to do an ollie, it's basically the ...
4 years ago